Benefits of Coaching

Benefits of Coaching

Drive clarity, peak performance, and well-being by partnering with a coach. Coaching has several known benefits including confidence, clarity and passion in the daily actions of life. If you are overwhelmed, stressed, confused and facing challenges, consider the benefits of partnering with a a coach. The benefits of coaching and what to look for in a coach are outlines here.

The Vancouver Island Chapter of the ICF is at Business Expo 2023

Are you interested in finding ways to enhance your business and leadership skills? Look no further! The Vancouver Island International Coach Federation (ICF) Chapter is excited to be a part of the upcoming Business Expo in Parksville on May 4th from 10:00am to 3:00pm.

The Vancouver Island ICF Chapter is vendor at the Business Expo, and I am a Master Certified Coach and member of the Chapter, and I invite you to come and connect with me at our booth. As a coach, I have helped numerous business leaders achieve their goals and reach their full potential, and I am eager to share my expertise with you.

At the Vancouver Island ICF Chapter booth, you can discover the benefits of working with a coach, learn more about the coaching profession, and find out how we can support you in achieving your business and leadership objectives. Whether you're seeking personal development, looking to enhance your leadership skills, or seeking guidance in navigating complex business challenges, we're here to help.

Several coaches from the chapter will be there to offer sign-ups for a free 30-minute coaching session scheduled for May 8 - 14, 2023. In addition to offering some free coaching, I am also offering a draw for two free PrinciplesYou Assessment Debriefs. I wrote my certification exam last week so will soon be a PrinciplesYou Certified Coach and I would absolutely LOVE to share this super helpful assessment with you. Please also check out the workshops I am also promoting for you to consider in support of you and your employees.

So, if you're attending the Business Expo on May 4th, be sure to come and visit us at the Vancouver Island ICF Chapter booth. We look forward to connecting with you, sharing our knowledge and expertise, and helping you achieve your business and leadership goals.


Sharon Kelly, MA MCC

LOCATION: Oceanside Place Arena 830 W Island Highway West Parksville, BC V9P 2X4

Career Coaching: The Importance of Coaching Competencies and ICF Certification

Career Coaching: The Importance of Coaching Competencies and ICF Certification

The International Coaching Federation is hosting Discover Coaching Sessions during International Coaching Week starting May 8, 2023. Coaching can support your personal and professional development and assist you with a variety of goals including career goals, transitions and advancement.

Which is Worse - COVID-19 or the Ensuing Stress

Which is Worse - COVID-19 or the Ensuing Stress

Stress impacts performance, that much is evident.   And it is also evident that we can change the structure of our own brains by learning to silence the mind, as well as cultivating optimism and gratitude. How can we optimally deal with the constant stress in these times that we live in?

Energy Rituals versus Time Management

Use energy rituals to optimize your life. Time management is one thing - we do need time to accomplish what is most important, but more important than managing time, which is a finite resource is establishing energy rituals that recharge and restore your energy. Then, when you match tasks to available and optimal energy, you can ramp up your productivity.