Findings from work by The Conference Board, Bersin & Associates and HR analytics expert McBassi & Company, among others, point to the fact that leadership development is one of the most pressing issues facing organizations globally today — and represents a great chance for them to seize competitive advantage in their industries.
Change Your Life
How easy is it to change an unwanted behaviour pattern or habit?
The often time surprising obstacle to change can actually be a limiting self-concept, belief or attitude that we are totally unaware of holding. When in a trusting relationship with a coach, the coach can act as a mirror and feedback giver that allows the one who is being coached to become aware of a blind-spot concerning their own sense of self-worth or personal agency.
Just think of what you could be capable of if you were not standing in your own way!
Life Visualized
Each morning, as I open my eyes, I am a completely free agent who can choose absolutely everything about my life. I can cast my eye back and learn from the past, but I will not dwell there. My goal is to leverage the lessons and get on with living and celebrating this one precious life.
So, to mark this new chapter, I took time to create a vision board. I reflected on each aspect of my life: personal development, finances, living space, community life, relationships and health and have created a personal vision board with pictures and images and words of what I want for me and from me going forward.
You Are Not Responsible For The Sunrise
What is in our realm of responsibility? Arguably what we say yes to and to what we say no falls into that realm. And whether we like it or not, our yes’s and no’s shape our life story (Gillman, 2015). What path do you want to take and what story do you want to create? What boundaries therefore are necessary to create one's desired life story?
Take Stock and Take Action
This famous Stephen Covey quote has quite a lot to teach us about how to get to where we want to go: "Begin with the end in mind". Pretend you wake up tomorrow and everything is exactly how you want it. What do you look like? How do you feel? How do you sound? Describe the quality of your relationships, your level of energy and sense of well-being. What would you be doing with your life? If you are going to end up somewhere by choice rather than by chance, what "end" will you create in your mind's eye?
Joy Comes After Mourning!
What You Think Matters!
Do you want to behave differently or achieve a different result? Then it is below the surface to mindset we must go. Perhaps fear is preventing forward movement. Do we deep down believe that we actually cannot do that which we want? Do we somehow believe we are not worthy of what we want to achieve? It is not enough to just change actions to get new results. It is also important to bring to light our mindset and change up our mindset to drive change.